The WEEE Coordination Centre (CdC RAEE) has launched the new version of the website, with new graphics and content in order to provide an even more effective and user-friendly communication. The new LiveChat information service has been activated: it allows visitors to chat with the call center of the WEEE Coordination Centre and request quickly useful information. Users can now access – directly from the homepage – the sections dedicated to Citizens, Municipalities, Operators, Distributors and Treatment plants. They can search the collection centers, the grouping places opened to the distribution and the treatment plants; moreover, they can find all the information relating to the program agreements. Another important change concerns the enrichment of the data included in the section on the WEEE collection and the area dedicated to the “Target Europe”, which allows to monitor the situation of the Country compared to the objectives set by the European Community. Next to the Communication section, which proposes updates on the institutional activities of the WEEE Coordination Centre, a page dedicated to the news has been inserted with articles on WEEE.