Exporting to China: the rules for the commercialization of low voltage components change


As reported by IMQ, from May 1st, 2024 it is no longer possible to use the CCC Self-Declaration (CCC SD) for the commercialization of some low voltage components in China (see table at this link). Producers must apply for CCC certification from a designated certification body. The component manufacturers with valid CCC SD can apply for the certificate conversion from the designated certification body. The latter can directly issue the CCC certificate to replace the existing CCC SD and ensure the validity of the certification through a post-certification supervision. The on-site inspection will then be carried out after the conversion of the CCC SD to CCC certification. Besides, after November 1st, 2024 all CCC SDs will be automatically canceled and the CCC certified components will need to be CCC marked to be shipped, sold, imported and used in other business activities.