The doubling of Thermowatt


DSCN1904_okThermowatt, reference partner in the production of electrical resistances and thermostats, has recently invested in the enlargement of its testing laboratory exclusively dedicated to the measurement of the energy efficiency of boilers. This section of the laboratory, inaugurated at the beginning of 2015 inside the main laboratory of the Headquarter in Arcevia (AN), has been upgraded from three to six testing stations due to the growing demand by boiler producers. That development confirms the consolidation of Thermowatt role as reference partner able to supply important added-value services aimed at complying at best with the European regulations for the labelling of electrical boilers come into force in September 2015, which will introduce even more severe limits starting from 2017. The laboratory, conditioned and provided with specific control systems, is managed by a team of specialized technicians and allows executing energy efficiency tests and assessing the energy class of the boilers produced with Thermowatt components: an indispensable technological and professional support for customers approaching the European market and not only.