Established in 1993 in Rimini province, Piciesse Elettronica is specialized in the production of printed circuit boards and characterized by a strong international attitude: it currently operates in over 27 Countries in 4 continents. “It is one of the aspects that have convinced me to become a member of this team – explains Stefano Sciolè, who since September 2019 has been Sales & B.D. Director of the company. “The other aspect I deemed fundamental in accepting the challenge is that Piciesse Elettronica, among Italian sector companies, is one of the very few that have invested, and go on doing it, in technologies and structures”. In the opinion of Sciolè, who considers the research of technological solutions for their customers the most interesting phase of his job, it is a very important element. In fact, in his description of the situation, the context and the possible future scenarios, what emerges is the will of doing precisely this: even if with masks and at a safety distance, to dialogue with customers again, to talk about projects and to find solutions.
Today Piciesse Elettronica, supplying the chain for the implementation of strategic products, continues the manufacturing activity, facing the emergency since the very early stages and conforming to protocols to contain the epidemic and to allow its employees to work under safe conditions. The backing to the manufacturing chain and the constant support have been widely acknowledged and praised by customers, especially abroad. The administrative and commercial ambits work instead from remote, a condition that for Stefano Sciolè is not anomalous indeed: “I have been operating in smart work for years” he tells us: due to his role and his work organization, the activity outside the office is routine. Despite the limitations imposed by the situation, we are rethinking of the strategies to deal with market requirements and to be ready to offer the best service also to all those customers that had to stop, as they were not part of indispensable productive chains. All sectors will restart gradually, although it is currently difficult to hazard a prediction about the times of a full return to normality.
It is not excluded that many customers will have to reconceive a different provisioning chain, bringing some productions back to Europe, especially for new projects. Piciesse, which has always had an international business vision but at the same time the will of promoting and developing “made in Italy” productions, has recently invested in both a modern factory shed organized according to Automotive manufacturing criteria and in human resources, precisely: one of the reasons that induced Sciolè – who relies on a long experience of development in international markets- to join Piciesse is just the possibility of working at strategic projects and increasing the foreign market share.
Concerning the sectors where Piciesse currently operates, the company’s activity is focused on automotive by 30-40% while the rest of the production is intended for other applications, especially lighting, industrial and biomedical. “Today, the household appliance market is not a strategic sector for Piciesse, at least in Italy, – Sciolè explains– even if in the past the company was very active with the most important customers on a domestic scale. I know this world very well, also due to my previous experiences, and in Italy the white good industry has collapsed, therefore at present its weight is more marginal for us. In East Europe Countries, for instance, it is instead a very important sector: we are proceeding with some activities focused on some customers in that area, even if Chinese competition is fierce”.
What is, according to Sciolè, the point from which we should restart?
“Despite the current uncertainty about times and modalities, we are ready to get back in the game, to find new ideas and solutions, personally dialoguing with our customers wherever they are. Calls and telephone calls cannot replace human contacts: great things are achieved working face to face and perhaps this is the most relevant part of our job and what we currently miss more than everything else”