Faber has presented a new air-purifying technology against the indoor pollution


faber_talika_setFaber has presented its new Innov-Air technology during a recent event entitled “Unhealthy buildings and pollution in the home: ways to improve the air in the house and in the kitchen”. The event was held during the “2016 Bologna Design Week”. The Innov-Air technology is an exclusive air processing system that purifies cooking fumes. This recycling system filters and destroys polluting bacteria and odours in order to provide clean and healthy air, both in the kitchen and in the rest of the home. The Innov-Air technology uses the photocatalysis, a natural process produced by an oxidation-reduction reaction under the action of light and a catalyst. In contact with UV, the catalyst becomes a powerful oxidant that reduces odours, volatile organic compounds, chemical residues and air pollution. Faber applies this process in the cooker hoods: unlike other air treatment systems, such as ionisation, the photocatalysis produces no nitrogen or odours, and doesn’t emit ozone, making it completely safe for humans. Besides, Innov-Air produces a little noise during the use.