MECSPE, 28th March 2014

Gear’s working processes: from complex processes to standard machines


The industry that produces gears internationally listens to pronounce two words increasingly: LEAN and FLEXIBLE, two words that seem to be the “magic keys” to achieve greater productivity. The gear’s working processes are evolving, improving to 360 degrees all technologies: from design to production with standard working stations.

For this reason, the editorial staffs of the magazines ORGANI DI TRASMISSIONE and MACCHINE UTENSILI organize a conference with the aim of presenting an overview of the most interesting technological news by giving directly the floor to the suppliers of those solutions.

In a short time the visitor will have the opportunity to receive a comprehensive overview about the better innovations in the gear’s working processes, with the possibility of examine in depth technical aspects and applications directly with the protagonists at the end of the conference.

The conference will be held during the exhibition MECSPE and will take place on 28th March from 2:00 p.m. in the meeting room B of the pavilion 7 of Parma Fair.

The program involves the participation of several speakers representing companies that now offer some of the most effective technological innovations in the gear’s working processes. At present the following companies have already joined the initiative, as speakers: Bellini, Bitek (Kapp-Niles), Breton, Febametal, Gleason, Heller, KissSoft and Ridix. The conference will be moderated by Carlo Gorla, professor at the Polytechnic of Milan and technical director of the magazine ORGANI DI TRASMISSIONE.

Direct contact
Anna Bonanomi, from the editorial staff of the magazine Organi di Trasmissione (, tel 0239090300) and Marco Lombardi, from the editorial staff of the magazine Macchine Utensili (, tel. 0239090285), are available to provide more information on possible participation in the conference free of charge.

Thanks for your cooperation

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