Sabaf supports the project “7MilaMigliaLontano”


pakistan 2012 ph giuliano radici

Sabaf has decided to be sponsor of the project “7MilaMigliaLontano”, a tour of the world in 7 stages, during which a team of 42 communication professionals will alternate with the aim to tell – through writing, photography and cinema – the situation of the people today, using as the search key food and eating habits, in the light of the adage “we are what we eat” and in line with one of the main themes that will animate Expo 2015 (Milan). In its activity, Sabaf is aimed at providing eco-sustainable products: the Italian company that produces components for gas kitchens has won awards for its awareness and responsibility with which manages its production. So, it’s not a coincidence that Sabaf has decided to sponsor “7MilaMigliaLontano”. The project includes seven months of travel by land and two months by sea, for an adventure that will follow the following steps:
June/July 2014 Italy – Kazakhstan
July/August 2014 Kazakhstan – China
September/October 2014 Alaska – Guatemala
October/November 2014 Guatemala – Bolivia
November/December 2014 Bolivia – Argentina
February/March 2015 South Africa – Ethiopia
March/May 2015 Ethiopia – Italy, arriving in Milan for the date of the inauguration of Expo.
At the end of the trip, a photo book will be realized ​​on the subject of street food: a veritable encyclopedia of photographs on the food. The publication will be enriched by the backstage images, texts and videos.
