Recycling to help the environment


HA_NL_15_6_RECYCLEOn the occasion of the world environment day, celebrated last June 5th, the Ecolight consortium indicated some concrete actions to improve the environment conditions. “Each of us can make a gesture that, although simple, greatly helps the environment”, states Giancarlo Dezio, general manager of Ecolight, national consortium that operates in the Weee (Waste electrical and electronic equipment) management, of worn-out batteries and of photovoltaic modules at their life end. The correct management of electronic wastes, starting from their correct collection up to their treatment and recovery, allows saving energy for production and reduces pollution.
“It is important – the general manager of Ecolight adds – to talk about Weee, to spread their knowledge and to explain that they are an important resource. Still today, in fact, many escape the management circuit. If, for instance, we consider small appliances only, less than 20% is correctly collected. The remaining part probably ends up in the unsorted collection, or it even follows the illegal roads of the export towards the poorest Countries”. The Weee collection is fundamental: it is possible to transport them to one of the 3,759 ecologic isles equipped for the separate collection of Weee. The electronic waste, which is then subdivided into five different groups, will be mandatorily placed in the right caisson: R1 for refrigerating appliances (refrigerators and freezers); R2 for washing machines and ovens; R3 for TV sets and monitors; R4 for small appliances and consumer electronics; R5 for neon and energy-saving light sources.
In the case of purchase of a new appliance replacing an equivalent one, no more functioning, it is possible to leave the old one directly in the store at the purchase time. According to what provided for by the so called Decree “One against One “, the disposal is free-of-charge for consumers, you are only requested to fill in a delivery card. The free-of-charge collection is provided also with the home delivery of the new electronic equipment.
Enterprises and professional men can instead turn to the home collection service that is directly carried out by Ecolight. The Fai Spazio service is dedicated to the management of professional wastes and is executed on the entire national territory and for each quantity type.