Whirlpool received first Energy Star certification for clothes dryers


According to a press release published by the company, Whirlpool Corporation is the first appliance manufacturer to offer an Energy Star certified clothes dryer. The company received recent certification from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star program on the Whirlpool brand Duet model WED87HED steam dryer. This appliance uses new technologies that combine to create a highly energy-efficient drying cycle. Whirlpool has a long history in environmental stewardship including helping to draft the first Energy Star appliance standards: the company currently sells more than 400 Energy Star appliance models. “Clothes dryers are the next frontier for significant residential energy efficiency gains, and we are proud to be the first manufacturer to offer Energy Star dryers”, said Nick Gillespie, senior manager of government relations for Whirlpool Corporation. “Our long history of building products that are both innovative and effective in protecting the environment is key to our ongoing success”.