The results of the waste management in Italy


HA_NL_RICICLOEcolight’s action in the course of 2013 was characterized by four elements: collection, recovery, knowledge and innovation. As stated by the social report drawn up by the consortium, which points out growing numbers and good prospects for the future: speaking of collection, in 2013 the consortium managed almost 20,500 ton Weee – with the 5% decrease in comparison with 2012 -, reaching high recovery rates that grazed 95 percent in weight. Most of the activity (70.4%) concerned the R4 grouping of Weee: Ecolight managed in fact almost 14,400 tons that included mobile phones, small household appliances and consumer electronics, thus confirming to be the reference collection system for this waste typology. In the ambit of batteries and portable accumulators, Ecolight collected more than 1,200 ton batteries and accumulators, doubling the quantities of the previous year. In this case, too, the recovery percentages exceeded 90% in weight. The management of Weee in Italy was affected for the second consecutive year by a decrease of quantities. The reasons are ascribed to the continuation of a difficult economic time in which, against fewer consumptions, also fewer wastes are produced. Ecolight confirms, however, its concerns about the looting actions to which are subjected the communal ecologic isles and at the presence of parallel circuits that operate outside the Weee system. The new Weee decree describes the course to be followed. As the general manger of Ecolight, Giancarlo Dezio explains: “The introduced novelties aim at increasing the collection of Weee to reach the European targets, that’s to say 45% of the quantity introduced on the market starting from 2016. Percentage that will become 65% since 2019. This means to triple the current volumes”. Ecolight has strived to anticipate the future, conforming to the provisions indicated by the principle of “One against Zero. “In view of the compulsory free of charge collection of small appliances (with sizes up to 25 cm) for the shops with a sale surface dedicated to electrical appliances exceeding 400 square metres, the consortium is already studying some targeted solutions with the prearrangement of automated ecologic isles to be positioned close to stores. This is a project that will start soon, with the intention of being closer not only to consumers and distribution companies but also to the environment”.