Elica at “Forum del Design”


InvitoForumdelDesignYesterday the first edition of the “Forum del Design” (Forum of Design) was held in Milan. It was a shared space, ideal for those focusing on design as a fundamental value. Elica has participated as a point of reference in the field of design hoods for domestic use and Francesco Casoli, president of Elica, has spoken at the opening talk entitled “Design & lifestyle. Oltre l’italianità per lo sviluppo del Paese” (Design & Lifestyle. Beyond the Italian character for the country’s development). The Forum of Design was organized by Comunicazione Italiana in collaboration with the Department of Design at the Polytechnic of Milan, under the patronage of ADI – Association for Industrial Design, the patronage of Aiap – Italian Association of the Design of the Visual Communication and the patronage of the President of the Lombardia Region.