Rotary-system machine with double equipment


HA09_P&C_LAZZEROIn the refrigeration and gas distribution field, as well as in several other applications, regulations more and more often impose objective, traceable and documentable tests. Lazzero Tecnologie Srl can satisfy all these requirements by implementing high-performance solutions.

An example is represented by the machine with rotary system and double equipment, with vacuum chamber and use of helium as tracking gas, where the operator prearranges a new piece while the testing of another component is in course in chamber. In this way, are granted high production rates, safety in tests (which can be executed also at very high pressures), measuring of possible leaks not influenced by the human factor, possibility of storing test data and their historicizing to the ends of traceability. The system can be easily implemented with barcode readers, printers for the production of labels or testing reports, marking systems (from the simple mechanical punching to the writing of data matrix codes by means of laser), poka-yoke management of the component handling. All of our implementations are customizable to satisfy fully the various requirements that characterize each productive reality.