Faber joins the National campaign for quality and innovation called “Noi ci siamo” (26th edition) for the fourteenth consecutive year. The campaign has the support of the President of the Italian Republic and has the patronage of the Ministries of Economic Development, Defence, Public Administration and Simplification. The event, which will take place from November 10th to November 16th during the 20th European Week dedicated to quality with the slogan “Winning through Quality” chosen by EOQ (European Organization for Quality), will present debates and conferences. The campaign is promoted by the three major associations for quality in the world: ASQ (United States), JUSE (Japan) and EOQ (Europe). In Italy it is promoted by Galgano Group since 1989. “Faber – says a
press release issued by the company – always invests to improve the production and the excellence of its products, making it a strategic competitive factor for the international development. In 1995, the company was the first in the world, in the field of the hoods, to obtain the certification of its quality management system according to ISO 9001. In 2003, its integrated system for quality, safety and environment, certified by SGS according to ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001, has received from SGS the Certificate of Excellence no. 1, which is the first of its kind in the world”. In addition, for years Faber has set up its Quality Continuous Improvement Award, an award that involves all the production facilities, in order to promote continuous improvement in production, quality, sustainability and security.