Mould&Die World magazine restarts from three


STW_2014_001_INT@001The positive outcomes achieved by the first issue and the determination of the Editorial Group Tecniche Nuove in following the internationalization course of its most prestigious magazines as support to the activity of the Italian businesses are at the base of the decision of programming the publication of three issues of Mould&Die World Magazine in 2015, in conjunction with as many national and international events dedicated to the sector of moulds and dies, moulding and forming: March (26-27/3 MECSPE, Parma); May (5-8/5 Moulding Expo Stuttgart, 5-9/5 Plast); October (13-17/10 Fakuma).

Interesting the numbers, steeply growing, of the diffusion of this digital magazine that is sent to a total of a good 45,864 contacts, subdivided among the following fields: plastic industry: 7,088; household appliance industry: 16,725; automotive and transports: 21,000; medical sector: 1,051.

Publishing market articles, technological trends, applications and excellence cases, Mould&Die World sets the target of highlighting the peculiarities of the Italian quality and know how and of satisfying the new pressing globalization requirements of the world of mould and die makers and of toolshops. The primary mould and die manufacturers acquire, in fact, more and more substantial percentages of their turnover from markets geographically far from Italy and they need an extensive international instrument like Mould&Die World, able to present and represent their activities.