Latest news on the 20th edition of the award “Targa Rodolfo Bonetto”


Up immagine TBokThe award “Targa Rodolfo Bonetto”, dedicated to innovation in design, is an opportunity of visibility for young designers from worldwide, who can present their projects. Established in 1991 in memory of Rodolfo Bonetto (famous Italian designer), “Targa Rodolfo Bonetto” will award a concept that surprises users for its particular intended use, with no limits to the design language. The product categories in the race for the prize are: travel, living, work, leisure, music (instruments). On the occasion of the themes addressed in Expo 2015 and in tune with the exhibition and conferences organized by Politecnico di Milano and the Tongji University of Shanghai, the concept of objects related to caterers is listed among the categories of interest. Participating projects must be delivered by 30th May 2015: the jury will assign three “Targa” awards for the first three best projects. The project that will win the first place will also win a stage of 6 months at Design Center. The official ceremony with the announcement of the winners will take place in Milan at the end of June 2015. Besides, Volkswagen Group, official sponsor in 2015 edition, will offer to the winner an UP car. Finally, this year the “Targa Rodolfo Bonetto” award created a web platform with a new website (, on which it is possible to subscribe and load projects.