Sabaf: revenue at 34.4 million euro in the final quarter of 2014


Good results for Sabaf in the fourth quarter of 2014. The data published by the company show that the Group booked sales revenue of €34.4 million in Q4 2014, representing an increase of 16.5% compared with the figure of 29.5 million euro registered in the same period of 2013. In the final quarter of the year, very positive results were achieved in Eastern Europe (sales of 9.6 million euro, up 48.7%, due to Turkey’s performance) and in Asia (sales of 3.8 million euro, up 48.5%). North America and Africa also continued to register strong growth. Although South American sales were better than in the previous quarters, they nevertheless came in below the fourth quarter of 2013. EBITDA for logo sabafQ4 2014 amounted to 6.1 million euro, with a 17.6% margin on sales, up by 26.2% vs. 4.8 million euro (16.3% margin on sales) in Q4 2013. EBIT was 2.5 million euro, equivalent to 7.3% of sales, compared with 1.6 million euro in the same quarter in 2013. Pre-tax profit was 2.2 million euro, compared with 1.3 million in Q4 2013. Net profit for the period came in at 2.1 million euro, largely unchanged compared with the fourth quarter of 2013. Considering the full year 2014, revenues came in at 136.3 million euro, up 4.1% compared with 131 million euro in 2013. Higher sales were accompanied by further improvements in profitability: EBITDA was 26 million euro (with a 19% margin on sales, up 5.6%), EBIT totalled 13.2 million euro (9.7% of sales, up 18.4%), and net profit came in at 8.3 million euro (up 2.9% compared with 2013). As regards to 2015, “the scenario – explains the company in a official note – remains hard to interpret, with some positive factors (such as the dollar’s appreciation against the euro) and others that are less favourable (the uncertainty of the Italian and European recovery and a competitive environment that continues to be difficult). The Group believes that it will be able to achieve sales and profitability levels that are slightly higher than those of 2014”.