A home …and museum greenhouse


MEG-@-IDAMeg, the first indoor greenhouse totally automated, open source and connected with internet, designed by D’Alesio&Santoro + Design Group Italia, joins the permanent collection of the Science and Technology Museum in Milan. Meg allows managing and sharing all the growth parameters of vegetables, controlling microclimate and lighting with an app on smartphone or tablet. Besides, it registers the cultivation process to share it with the biggest possible number of people, compliant with the vision of an open and shared culture, through the creation of a community. The genetics laboratory makes available the most innovative feature of MEG for everybody: the open source sharing of data and of technology. Besides, speaking of Expo, Meg has been chosen for #FoodPeople, the great exhibition dedicated to the changes that have marked our way of eating and the future prospects of the food system, inaugurated this evening and hosted in the rooms of the National Science and Technology Museum in Milan.