Exporting to Gulf Countries


IMQAfter China, Spain and Poland, Imq strengthens its international presence with the establishment of a branch in Dubai. Thanks to this “bridgehead” in the United Arab Emirates, the companies interested in exporting in Gulf Countries will increasingly rely on IMQ that, through the new company, will be able to support them with higher timeliness and effectiveness in the attainment of the mandatory certifications for those markets. As warrantee for Imq there are also the numerous acknowledgements that the Body has received from local authorities, including the authorization by Esma (Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology) to operate both as inspection agency and as certified institution to support companies in the attainment of the necessary conformity certificates to export to Emirates and the authorization released by Saso (Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization) as registered laboratory for performance tests on household appliances and for the “application” procedures of the energy label required in Saudi Arabia.

“The establishment of a company close to Gulf Countries” stated Antonella Scaglia, graduate in engineering and Managing Director of IMQ “represents a confirmation of IMQ’s will of continuing its growth and internationalization course, privileging a roadmap that assures the direct control of the activity carried out locally”.