Social networks are effective and powerful communication media, whose immediacy and practicality involves the public in targeted and personal way. How do household appliance manufacturers use them? We are reporting here some experiences.
Nowadays being present on social networks is a need for companies but it is especially an opportunity to be more in contact either with customers or with interested people. It is a marketing instrument, a different way of communicating that can create a more participative and involving relationship, with more targeted requests, and it can lead not only to share experiences but also to strengthen the link with the brand. The big diffusion of smartphones and tablets has made the use of social networks even simpler and more immediate and has contributed in their broad diffusion. We have talked with some companies to know their experiences on socials, ranging from the reasons for their presence to people’s response.
Each conversation includes different stages, from listening to answer, and then enterprises must use socials to establish, to strengthen and to take care of a relationship. Can socials be also a useful instrument for the sale or the promotion of products? Yes, certainly. The most obvious aspect is to use them to promote products and services, besides the values that are behind the brand, we should not forget that they are essentially communication instruments. The sale will not be fulfilled in these platforms, but in other physical places (store) or virtual ones (e-commerce). Who takes care of managing social pages? We work on Facebook through an editorial plan, shared with company managers, according to brand strategies.
There is an internal team entrusted with strategic aspects, with the publication of contents, with the management of comments and the monitoring of results in order to adjust, eventually, the strategy. What do users ask on socials? Our fans use Elica’s social channels as first contact point with the company. They reply to posts with likes, shares and comments, they sometimes publish contents and they often submit requests, also of after sale service.
The posts that arouse more lively interest are those dedicated to top products. Since we do not sell directly to final consumers, they often ask us where they can find our hoods and how much do they cost. We undertook several initiatives to increase people’s engagement on our channels, the last is a sort of photographic contest on Instagram. How do you use the Youtube channel? As “archive” of all of our corporate videos, but it is very useful also for a share on other media. Starting from this year, we will adopt also a video strategy that will become another pillar of our communication strategy.
How do you use the blog? We have decided to complete our Facebook page with the blog of Franke Italia to allow our fans to study in-depth the topics proposed in Facebook posts. They are then two complementary instruments that work synergistically each other. How do you use Facebook? We use our socials to promote our products and initiatives. We provide useful suggestions about what product it is better to buy according to the various requirements, we illustrate the exclusive characteristics of our products so that consumers are guided in the purchase choice, all that adopting a fresh and dynamic language. Big space is also dedicated to our initiatives, for instance at the end of April we were on tour in Italy with our testimonial Bruno Barbieri and on our Facebook page it was possible to follow the live posting of all events.
Who takes care of social pages? It is a team activity involving several players: our web agency, our press office and an internal person who coordinates and takes care of the whole activity. Have you got a Youtube channel? Yes, we have a dedicated Youtube channel, where it is possible to see all the videos dedicated to our products shot in the finest locations in the world.

They are a direct instrument that allows using an informal communication made of images, phrases and thoughts. The monitoring of communities permits the analysis of conversations, the possibility of intervening as a customer care and the creation of relationships with users. How is the Facebook page organized? It reports the product novelties, it advertises conventions, exhibitions and meetings but it shares also photos taken during special events with customers. Besides, it is an instrument that simplifies the technical aspects of products and interacts with users simply, for instance posting the recipe of the week or giving suggestions for gifts. What do users ask on socials? Users’ response is good and improves day by day. The most frequent questions concern the after sale service, especially in the business of TV sets and furniture. Have you got a Youtube channel? Yes, we have a Youtube channel where we load corporate and product videos and product reviews realized by the specialized press.
We propose robots that help people in their daily life, giving the opportunity of improving their time. Socials rank among the best amplifiers of the commonly and historically known word of mouth. For these reasons, socials are a useful instrument to spread the knowledge and then directly useful as instrument of indirect sale and promotion of products and activities. Who takes care of the social management? We rely on some external professionals who help us in finding the most suitable creativeness, but the boost in contents is fruit of an analysis carried out inside our digital office.
What do users ask on socials? The robotic technology arouses lively curiosity. Very often, we receive demands for suggestions and thanks for the offered products and, among the most frequent questions, they ask us whether a product with such characteristics really exists. We also organize promotions and competitions addressing our owner customers and we communicate them through socials, too. Have you got a Youtube channel? Facebook is the social that is identified as engagement, that is to say with the active participation with the decisively broadest number of users. I believe however that social video channels will grow and, in fact, we are devising “how to” activities where these instruments will certainly help remarkably. We have in fact a Youtube channel with videos showing both the robot operation and maintenance interventions. We will soon inaugurate also a channel on Instagram.