The digital factory doubles its proposal


HA_NL_MECSPEMecspe goes on in its activity of anticipation and presentation of the trends in course in the manufacturing sector: for this reason, in the next edition that will be held in Parma from 17th to 19th March 2016, the special initiative Digital Factory will be enriched by the new Digital Factory Showroom, dedicated to the engineering phase and to the various stages of the control process of data information. The visitors of the international exhibition of technologies for innovation will find then a complete offer providing an all-round vision of how the 4.0 industry can make manufacturing processes more efficient, both from the point of view of the time and cost reduction and of the choice of the best industrial partner. With the new Digital Factory Showroom, visitors will in fact seize the opportunity of knowing the manifold application ambits of the digitizing course involving the entire industrial chain, encompassing all processes and sub-processes of the life cycle of a product: from design and analysis activities to the development demand, up to its withdrawal from the market and the supply chain management. The new manufacturing system will be analysed in its full entirety and potentiality: from Software to IoT, informatics, industrial sensors and Cloud Manufacturing and up to automatic identification Technologies (RFID – NFC Near Field Communication).