Full premix burners


Always oriented to the optimization of combustion processes to improve consumptions and to enhance performances, after years of study and research, Flam Gas Research Centre has developed a line of full premix burners. Originally intended for the professional sector due to the notable compactness and to the vertiginous drop of control system costs, they can be used in the sector of domestic type cavities, too. Silent, compact and highly industrialized, they were tested with flame control and management systems in collaboration with global reliable consolidated partners. It is possible to modulate powers from very few watts to 40-50 kW, according to the head type used. Made of AISI 304 stainless steel, in the metal fiber, full net or inner net versions, they are suitable for vertical, horizontal or inclined exchangers. HA_FLAMGASMaking use of the manufacturing technology by Flam Gas, it is possible to exploit the flame tube surface at best or to partialize it, depending on the section of the exchanger that are going to implement. They have devised a range of specific solutions for all models, to adapt them to manufacturers’ requirements like, for instance, the combined prearrangement of flame ignition and detection.

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