Ecodom managed about 78,400 tons of WEEE in 2015


weeeThe tonnes of WEEE treated in 2015 by the Italian consortium Ecodom were about 78,400. This activity allowed to recycle over 47,000 tons of iron, about 1,700 tons of aluminum, more than 1,600 tons of copper and 8,000 tons of plastic, avoiding the emission of over 870,000 tons of CO2. The data show, compared to 2014, an increase of 3.3% of WEEE managed by the consortium. With regard to the R1 group (refrigerators and air conditioners), approximately 34,800 tons were treated (-0.9% compared to 2014); with regard to the R2 group (washing machines, dishwashers, hoods, ovens and boilers) about 43,000 tons were treated (+6.8% compared to 2014). WEEE of the R3 group (TVs and monitors) and R4 group (small appliances, consumer electronics, and lighting equipment) grew respectively by 22.9% (90 tons) and 10.2% (560 tons) compared to 2014.