Semiconductors find it hard to recover

Electronic components

The monthly data diffused by WSTS (World Semiconductor Trade Statistics) show that the crisis is still lasting for semiconductors in a vast part of the world. In the first 11 months of 2015, in fact, world sales diminished by – 3.0% compared to the corresponding period in 2014. Among the 4 areas into which sector statistics subdivide our planet, the worst trend occurred for Japan, with the -8.6% downturn, followed by Emea with a -8.0% drop. The decrease was by -7.1% for Americas, while only Asia Pacific was safe, attaining the modest 0.4% growth. Inside it, China reached the 5.3% growth. Concerning Emea it is however worth highlighting that the downturn registered in the data in dollars, if expressed in Euros, turns into the 5.4% growth, due to the depreciation of Euro against Dollar during 2015.

Electronic components
Electronic components