The first three months of 2016 for appliances in Denmark


In the first quarter of 2016, the technical consumer goods market in Denmark registered a marginal increase, compared to the same period in 2015: up by 0.6 percent. However, four of the seven sectors increased, with both the major domestic appliances and small domestic appliances sectors reporting double-digit rises. Here are the data published by GfK Temax.

Major domestic appliances
There was a double-digit increase in the MDA sector in Q1 2016 – up by 14.2 percent, compared to Q1 2015. Danish consumers’ purchasing power fueled the sector and rises were registered across all categories. Sales of washing machines (with high-load capacity) grew. The segment rose by 13.7 percent, and produced the highest amount of revenue in the sector. Sales of cooling products also increased, with the exception of taller models.

Small domestic appliances
In the SDA sector in Q1 2016, there was a dramatic improvement in the kettles and hot beverage makers segment – up by 27.1 percent and 29.7 percent, respectively. Consumers purchased more personal care items – particularly premium products – which resulted in healthy growth in the men’s beard trimmers and ladies’ shavers segments. Sales of vacuum cleaners rose by more than 20%, driven by an increased demand for robotic models.

Consumer electronics
The CE sector in Denmark rose by 6.9 percent in Q1 2016, compared to Q1 2015. The market for TVs increased, led primarily by higher sales of smaller, and mid-size models – those with screens smaller than 50 inches. However, sales of action cameras fell, impacting the camcorders segment – down by 32.8 percent, compared to the same period in 2015. Demand for car navigation equipment also declined.

In Q1 2016, the photography sector reported small signs of recovery with a rise of 1.4 percent over the same period last year. This was partly driven by an increase in demand for premium products in the compact system cameras (CSC) category.

Information technology
In Q1 2016, growth was reported in the desktop PCs segment as demand moved towards larger hard disks and higher random-access memory (RAM) sizes. Demand for mediatablets declined again – down by almost 30 percent, compared to Q1 2015. On the other hand, upgraded models boosted demand for media gateways, which rose by 73.9 percent over Q1 2015 results.

Sales of smartphones fell by 9.5 percent in Q1 2016, compared to Q1 2015. Demand shifted towards models with larger screen sizes. The overall TC sector declined by 7.2 percent in Q1 2016.

Office equipment and consumables
Sales of both laser and inkjet cartridges lost ground in Q1 2016 – down by 13.3 percent and 8.3 percent, respectively – compared to Q1 2015. Multifunctional devices (MFDs) also fell, by 13.7 percent in the same comparison period.


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