Treatment of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in 2015


Report_Il trattamento dei RAEE 2015The first report entitled “The Treatment of Weee 2015”, prepared by the Weee Coordination Centre, was presented on July 13th in Milan. The dossier presents the data on waste quantities to electrical and electronic equipment operated during 2015 by processing plants, companies engaged in the recovery and recycling of Weee according to a specific treatment based on the characteristics of the individual waste. The data is collected annually by the Weee Coordination Centre, as provided by art. 33 of Legislative Decree 49/2014.

In 2015 the country have operated a total of 957 plants that deal with list subscribers Weee managed by the Weee Coordination Centre, of which 473 are located in the North West, 196 in the North-East, 149 in the regions of center, 101 in the South and 38 in the Islands.

Against 883,882 tons of electrical equipment placed on the market, in 2015 the authorized facilities have treated 329,460 tonnes of WEEE divided into the five groupings, of which 79% – equal to 259,574 t – from household WEEE and 21% – amounting to 69 886 t – professional WEEE. In particular, well 259,582 tonnes of WEEE from households were transported by collective systems associated with the Coordination Centre for WEEE plants in Italy and abroad Treatment, with a predominance of the types of waste belonging to the Grouping 1 – Cold and Climate ( 73 332 t) and pool 2 – Great White (72 434 t).

The data collected allow us to monitor the situation in the country in light of the new collection targets set by the European Directive 2012/19 / EU to preserving, protecting and improving the environment and human health. Italy in 2015 reached a satisfactory 36% return rate against European targets that foresees the return of 45% of the average of that placed the previous three years by 2016 and 65% by 2019.

To further enhance the Weee system in Italy and achieve quality targets in the treatment required by the European Union, in May 2016 the Weee Coordination Centre with the associations of Assoraee sector, Assorecuperi and Assofermet signed the program agreement on the treatment of Weee. The Agreement aims to ensure adequate and consistent levels of treatment and qualification of the companies of the processing industry of household Weee, through accreditation of the same companies in the Weee Coordination Centre in accordance with the requirements indicated in the technical specification, on the basis of a specific audit conducted by a third party verifiers. The collective systems for the purpose of treatment of Weee within their competence, are obliged to apply only to accredited facilities.

“Today we present the first edition of the Report on the treatment of Weee, another important tool for reporting the measures amount of Weee sent for recovery in the country and monitor the situation of our country over challengers Community objectives – comments Fabrizio Longoni, the Centre Director General Weee Coordination. “The results achieved in 2015 are satisfactory, but still not enough to reach the European target return of 45% compared to the Eee placed on the market, which we hope to reach by 2017. In this direction also moves the recent Programme Agreement on treatment, through which we want to ensure greater uniformity of the levels of processing by the companies and achieve a quality level of excellence in the manufacturing of this type of waste. ”

Finally, the data from the Treatment Plants allow, when compared with those provided by the collective systems, to make some considerations on the presence of the Weee flows coming directly to the implants without making use of the system organized by the Weee Coordination Centre. Quantities that are not tracked by authorized systems are beyond management system regulated by law and go to feed the illegal trafficking of waste, source of environmental pollution and economic distortion.