The new regulatory system for Weee


raeeProducers of EEE (Electric and Electronic Equipment) and collection consortia in great turmoil after the publication on the Official Gazette of the new Decree of the Ministry of Environment dated 17th June 2016 concerning the charges related to the Professional Recycling. The regulatory system about the management of waste electric and electronic equipment is in fact evolving, with new fees to cover burdens and new bureaucratic procedures. Last but not least, the introduction of structures for the Supervision and Control Committee of the Ministry of Environment that inaugurates a system of inspection activities. Eugenio Cassataro, Dangerous Goods Transportation Bio-Chem Disposal Manager of Mitradiopharma, delivered a speech at the WEEE-SAFE workshop to try to explain the scenario, where the first step for manufacturers consists in declaring whether the WEEE collection will be individual or collective, then entrusted to one of the Consortia, including also MITSafetrans. In the December issue of HA parts&components, other details about the matter.