Take part in the workshop “Appliances&Components: ready for the Middle East?”



27th October, h 9.00

Tecniche Nuove, via Eritrea 21, Milano.

In a global marketplace, such as the current one, knowing the different “rules of the game” is essential. The players in the home appliance supply chain are very familiar with these rules, particularly those related to the challenges of Middle Eastern markets.

UL, global independent safety science company, and Tecniche Nuove, with Ceced and Whirlpool, has organized a free workshop to outline the legislation that regulates the access of household appliances and components to Middle Eastern markets, along with the trademarks and the certification processes required by those markets.

The workshop is free and will be in Italian.




09:00 Registrazione & Caffè

09:30 Saluti e Benvenuto

Massimo Moscati Direttore Editoriale di Apparecchi Elettrodomestici edito da Tecniche Nuove

Alessandro Garnero Direttore Editoriale di HA parts&components edito da Tecniche Nuove

09:40 Come cambia il mercato dell’Elettrodomestico e del Componente

Davide Castagna Senior Key Account Manager, Ceced Italia

10:00 Gulf Conformity Marking e Accesso al Medio Oriente: cosa prevede la normativa, quali sono i principali cambiamenti e le diverse interpretazioni

Gabriella Mazzola EMEA Regulatory Program Expert, Global Market Access, UL

Gianluca Cecchinato EMEA Design for Safety & Regulatory Manager, Whirlpool

10:45 Pausa Caffè

11:15 Panoramica dei requisiti dei paesi del Gulf Marking

Gabriella Mazzola EMEA Regulatory Program Expert, Global Market Access, UL

Gianluca Cecchinato EMEA Design for Safety & Regulatory Manager, Whirlpool

12:00 Sintesi dei requisiti generali dei componenti per l’accesso ai mercati del Medio Oriente

Luca Reina Code & Safety Engineer, Whirlpool

12:30 Domande & Risposte

13:00 Light Lunch