New edition of “The Gear Friday”


Business man touching industry 4.0 icon in virtual interface scrAs part of the training activity promoted by the publishing house Tecniche Nuove, the “Organi di Trasmissione” magazine organizes a new edition of “The Gear Friday” (Il Venerdì dell’Ingranaggio), the initiative dedicated to the manufacturing 4.0 of the gears. The technical workshop will be held on Friday, February 3rd, 2017, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m at Torre della Cultura, Tecniche Nuove, via Eritrea 21, Milan. The workshop, open to all operators of the gear and transmission system sector, will provide information about the latest developments in the gear manufacturing, in order to offer solutions to compete on the market at high level. Coordinated by professor Carlo Gorla, Technical Director of the “Organi di Trasmissione” magazine, in collaboration with other teachers of the Polytechnic Milan, the workshop will take place with the following program:

10:00-10:30: registration of the participants

10:30-11:30: Carlo Gorla, Technical Director of “Organi di Trasmissione”

“The state of the gear and mechanical transmission manufacturing, as emerged during the international meetings AGMA and WZL forum”. Particular attention will have:

– the processes and manufacturing of the gears in the Industry 4.0 era;

– the alternative manufacturing;

– the innovations in the soft and hard traditional manufacturing.

11:30-12:00: Francesco Rosa, Polytechnic Milan

“Additive Manufacturing and implications in the context of gears and transmission components”

12:00-12:30: Q&A

12:30-13:00: End of the workshop

A light buffet will follow

Participation in the workshop is free of charge, upon registration at the following link: