Anfel: double digit growth for the side-by-side refrigerators


logo ANFELAccording to the data published by Anfel (Spanish association of manufacturers and importers of household appliances), the industrial sector of major domestic appliances in Spain recorded a growth of +3.80% (value) in 2016 compared to 2015. The unit increase was +3.33%. Considering the unit trend of the different product categories, the highest growth was achieved by side-by-side refrigerators (+26.48%), followed by dryers (+17.68%). The worst performances were achieved from the cookers (-15.56%) and horizontal freezers (-7.84%). Overall, the segment of refrigerators was down 1.16% compared to 2015, while the segment of washing machines rose by +4.05%. The hobs, finally, have seen a unit growth of +2.39% and the hoods +5.83%.
