The refrigerator market is nowadays close to the saturation in all developed Countries and the even slight growth phase still in course is likely to end in next years. There are instead enormous possibilities in developing nations.
The data concerning the refrigerator production, similarly to what happens for almost all white goods, are published only in few Countries, i.e. China, Japan, United States of America, Argentina and Italy. In the other nations, they instead survey sales, through researches almost always cared by competent trade associations.
An estimate recently released indicated the world production of refrigerators as amounting to 148 million units; however, it does not seem acceptable if we consider that the only Chinese manufacture, surveyed by the Governmental Statistic body NBSC, amounted to 103 million units in 2015.
More reliable seems another version, which is of Chinese origin, which indicates for the same year a world total of 205 million pieces.
Three quarters of them have been produced in East Asia: China alone roughly represents half of the total, while another fourth is produced in South Korea, in Japan, in Thailand or in Singapore. The last fourth is manufactured in Americas, in particular in United States, Mexico or Brazil, and in Europe. Here Italy and Germany rank in the first positions.
The production physically implemented in single nations does not coincide, however, with the relative importance of primary brands: big manufacturers are all multinational Groups, which avail themselves of plants in various Countries, especially in Far East.
World leaders are Haier, Electrolux, LG, Samsung and Whirlpool Groups; each of them holds a significant market share, ranging from 5% to 7%, with productions from 10 to 15 millions of appliances each. Percentages are obviously calculated assuming the amount of 205 million units as world total. Some shares, indicated by single companies, are not compatible because referred to a lower world total.
Market and diffusion
Refrigerator sales are obviously proportioned to the number of inhabitants of the various States, taking their different development degree into account. China, which at the end of 2015 counted slightly less than 19% of the world populations, shares by 32% in the global appliance consumption.
India ranks second, with just less than 6% in sales, but with about 17% of world inhabitants. These two figures eloquently show the poverty situation existing in a broad part of the very big nation.
Third market in the world are United States, with 5% of the world consumption, and with over 4% of the population, fourth is Brazil, which exceeds 4% of sales and 3% of the population.
Compared to these big nations, European markets are relatively modest: Germany and Great Britain are anyway the most important.
The comparison with 2012 highlights a general trend of modest rise almost everywhere. Consumers look for products with better comfort. Only in some very developed Countries, like Norway and Japan, the market seems saturated today.
The presence rate is almost the highest in developed States, while in nations like Argentina or India the appliance is still spreading.
Sales per inhabitant are in relation to the situation of single Countries, too. They range from one appliance sold every 21 inhabitants in China to one every 28 in Norway. Above the value of 30, we find USA, Japan, Italy and Spain; all four these nations are still affected by the economic crisis of the previous years.
In Argentina and India, sales per inhabitant mirror then the still partial development situation.
Today the refrigerator market is close to saturation in developed Countries, even if there is a slight growth phase, which will end next years. Enormous possibilities exist instead in developing nations. Future growths will come from Africa, Asia and South America.
Sales and diffusion rate of the refrigerator in some nations in 2015
2012 sales (1000 units) | 2015 sales (1000 units) | Diffusion rate (%) | Population
Millions |
Inhabitants per sold appliance | |
Italy (*) | 1,450 | 1,700 | 99 | 60.8
35 |
France | 2,535 | 2,520 | 98 | 66.3 | 26 |
Germany | 3,100 | 3,250 | 99 | 81.8 | 25 |
Great Britain (*) | 2,750 | 2,850 | 97 | 65.1 | 23 |
Spain | 1,054 | 1,457 | 100
47.1 | 32 |
Switzerland | 302 | 317
99 | 8.3 | 26 |
The Netherlands | 580 | 645 | 99 | 16.6 | 26 |
Norway | 251 | 192 | 100 | 5.3 | 28 |
Poland | 1,705 | 1,750 | 99 | 38.4 | 22 |
USA | 8,630 | 10,304 | 97 | 325.3 | 32 |
Brazil (*) | 8,050 | 9,000 | 92 | 207.4 | 23 |
India (*) | 9,300 | 11,500 | 32 | 1,310.0 | 114 |
Argentina | 950 | 1,100 | 80 | 47.1 | 50 |
Japan | 4,150 | 3,823 | 99 | 127.3 | 33 |
China | 55,000 | 66,000 | 97 | 1,376.0 | 21 |
(*) Estimated sale data
Sources: Trade Associations, National Statistical Bodies