WEEE, new obligations starting from 2018

Alberto Canni Ferrari, Country Manager of ERP Italia.

From the next year, the application of the WEEE regulation (imposed by the Legislative Decree n. 49/2014) will be extended to a wider range of electrical and electronic appliances and, consequently, a greater number of manufacturers will be obliged to bear the costs of the collection and waste recovery. In order to support the companies, ERP Italia will expose the criteria to be used for a proper waste management. Three different events, organized in Pordenone, Padua and Bergamo, will favor the dialogue between companies and experts. The first meeting, organized with Ascom Confcommercio and Unione Artigiani Confartigianato, will be in Pordenone (at Unindustria Pordenone, March 31st, from 9:30 am to 1 pm). Laura Maffi, Credit Specialist for Electrolux Professional Spa, will take part in the event: she will present its collaboration with ERP Italia in order to ensure the application of the new rules in her company. On April 5th (from 9.30 am to 1 pm) the meeting will be in Padua. The event will be held at Confindustria Padova and is organized with Confindustria Treviso and Confindustria Vicenza. Massimo Forcolin, Director Quality, Safety and Environment of Arneg SpA, will attend the meeting as regards to the cooperation with ERP Italia. Finally, on May 24th, the conference will be in Bergamo at Confindustria Bergamo. “The goal of these meetings – said Alberto Canni Ferrari, Country Manager of ERP Italia – is to illustrate to the companies the obligations for properly managing the end of life of electrical and electronic equipments. It’s a theme that requires the support of realities able to professionally consider the specific needs of the different companies. For this reason, as ERP Italia, I’m very proud to make available the expertise and the know-how gained in these years. Our commitment is to assist the companies for a proper waste management and we are confident that these meetings are an important opportunity to share not only information but also specific needs”.