RISCO Group, a company operating in the security market, has involved the Italian users in a survey that confirms the growth potential of the smart home in Italy: 64.4% of respondents know the smart home and 20% already have at least one smart device at home. In addition, 10.2% of Italian consumers intend to purchase smart and connected objects in the next 2 years and 42% are willing to invest between 1,000 and 5,000 euros to make their home safer, smart, and more comfortable thanks to the technology. The research shows that only a small percentage of Italians (1.9%) do not intend to connect the home objects. Among the main hesitations, there are high costs (47%), fear of malfunctions (41%) and fear of hackers (37%).
In addition, the fear of invasive interventions at home is often an hesitation among the Italian consumers (30.9%), but this situation can be overtook if the consumer has a security system already connected to the cloud: this allows to enrich – also over the years – the previously installed solutions with new services. As regards to the benefits that the smart home can offer, the security is confirmed first (79%), followed by the reduction of consumptions (42%), the home comfort (41.5%), and the remote management of accesses (31%) and household appliances (28.7%). Besides, the smart home helps save time for about one-quarter of the Italians. As regards to the preferred solutions, 66% of respondents consider fundamental to receive notifications and remotely manage the home. Other important features are the ease of use (54.1%) and flexibility (36%), i.e. the opportunity to add elements to the installed solution.
RISCO Group proposes the Smart Home solution for a safe, smart and connected home and is constantly working to enrich it with new features. The company recently released a new module for the remote management of roller shutters, offering the user the opportunity to interact directly from its smartphone with the iRISCO app. The company also created the https://alarm.riscogroup.com/it website for the end users, with several features and benefits (for example easy research of a certified security expert near home and a blog on RISCO’s news and advices on security and smart home. In addition, a special section of the site allows the user to configure the most suitable security system to its needs based on the type of the home.