Ten years of WEEE and ten years of activity for Ecolight. During this period, the consortium has committed to the collection and disposal of electrical and electronic waste, managing nearly 200,000 tons of WEEE. Ecolight’s focus is principally on the small appliances, consumer electronics, and light sources: 150,000 tons of waste collected by the consortium are blenders, irons, smartphones, fluorescent and energy-saving light bulbs, drills, battery chargers and remote controls. “Ecolight – explains Giancarlo Dezio, general manager of the consortium – has focused on this type of waste. Small electronic waste however requires constant attention because they are the hardest to intercept. The efforts made and the regulations that introduced the principles of the One to One and One to Zero, involving the retailers, have contributed to improving the collection rates”.
Ecolight, with its services for retailers since 2010, has collected over 16,000 tons of WEEE, serving more than 2,500 stores each year. Today, the WEEE world needs further stimulus to achieve the European goals: 45% of WEEE collected, calculated on the average of the appliances marketed in the three previous years, is still to be achieved. Nodal points will be a greater involvement of the citizens in the differentiation of their electronic waste and the so-called “open scope” expected in August 2018 and which will extend the scope of the WEEE legislation to other products. “The 200,000 tonnes managed by Ecolight in 10 years – concludes Dezio – represent a small part in a field that has to grow for sensibility and volumes”.