N&W becomes Evoca Group


N&W Global Vending, manufacturer of professional coffee machines, changes its name and becomes Evoca. It launches a new international branding strategy with a focus on the coffee market to strengthen its position in the Ho.Re.Ca (Hotel, Restaurant and Cafeteria) and OCS (Office Coffee Service) sectors. The new name expresses the international approach and the propensity to the innovation in the root “EVO”, which stands for Evolution. The tradition of the Italian espresso is visible in the desinence “CA” which stands for coffee (caffè in Italian). Besides, the word “Evoca” means “it evokes” in Italian language and it communicates the relaxing and stimulating sensation of a break with a perfect coffee. “Evoca – Andrea Zocchi, CEO of Evoca, explains – is the result of the integration of numerous global coffee machine manufacturers, a process already started in 2000 with the establishment of N&W, which today finds its natural evolution in a new reality that is positioned as a global leader in the professional coffee machines. In fact, the coffee has always been in our DNA and at the center of our business strategy. It is an attractive market with strong historical bases, but also in profound transformation, which gives companies new challenges and growth opportunities. Our rebranding strategy has its roots in the past and today has reached its full realization with Evoca. We have looked ahead, continuing towards a path that benefits our customers and all consumers”. Evoca Group has more than 10,000 customers in over 100 countries worldwide, 1,800 employees and revenues (2016) of more than 400 million euros. The company is present globally with 8 production sites and 6 research and development centers, and has registered over 500 patents. Besides, the Group has progressively expanded its line of professional coffee machines both organically and through acquisitions. In the last year, it has completed highly synergistic acquisitions to its mission: SaGa Coffee (which operates in the segment of professional coffee machines using the brands Saeco and Gaggia), Cafection (manufacturer of coffee machines using coffee beans for the OCS market in North America) and Ducale (company at the forefront in the offer of premium technologies for large users).