The Urban Mine Platform is online


The Urban Mine Platform is online ( it is a website, based on a centralized and updated database that provides the available data on stocks, flows and treatment of WEEE, end-of-life vehicles and batteries and mining waste, for the 28 EU Member States, plus Switzerland and Norway. The platform is derived from the ProSUM project, launched in 2015 and funded by the European Union under the H2020 program. The Urban Mine Platform is an information network that allows to create an inventory of high-potential waste flows, suitable as a source of secondary raw materials, developing a common knowledge and sharing the data with the recycling industry, producers and stakeholders. The objective is to realize more aware investments and political choices aimed at increasing the offer of secondary raw materials, encouraging the recycling of those waste containing them. The data may also be useful to identify standards and methodological rules in order to improve the waste management at European level. The Urban Mine Platform allows the user to select and produce customized graphics.
Remedia has participated in this project holding the role of LTP member (Linked Third Parties) of WEEE Forum, the non-profit association that since 2002 brings together 34 WEEE collective systems in Europe and in the world. In particular, the Consortium had a strategic role in the activity of Data Provider contributing to the database construction with regard to the WEEE, it took part in the test activity of the platform and it still collaborates in the dissemination activity for the dissemination of the obtained results and the promotion of the platform.