Hoover launches KEEPHEAT at Eurocucina 2018


In the setting of the Candy Group stand, inside of the FTK pavilion – Technology for the Kitchen, there will be the presentation of Hoover KEEPHEAT oven. It has been designed also to preserve food: thanks to the Exever technology, it bakes and hot storages food, keeping it tasty and ready to be consumed at any time. The Exever technology has been developed in collaboration with researchers from the University of Parma and with key players in the professional world. The product allows to have “ready to serve” meals at any time of day, enhancing their aroma, taste and nutritional properties. Moreover, KEEPHEAT introduces, thanks to the use of this technology, a low-temperature cooking system: a technique used in professional kitchens, extremely delicate and respectful of food, perfect for obtaining tender and appetizing foods. The oven can cook food and can keep it at 62 or 70 degrees, according to the type of food. “Therefore – the company explains – thanks to KEEPHEAT it will be possible to cook when there is available time, for example on weekends, and enjoy one’s creations comfortably at home in the preferred times and ways, leaving the taste and aroma of the dishes unaltered and in a time-efficient way; exclusive features which will allow all consumers to benefit from the latest innovations used by kitchen professionals and to be able to cook and serve healthy and tasty dishes quickly and with new recipes created to maximize KEEPHEAT’s quality and potential”. Through the Custom Wizard App, it will be possible to access a recipe book with a wide selection of dishes, ideas and solutions, as well as having the ability to manage and monitor the KEEPHEAT oven remotely. “With KEEPHEAT a new way of conceiving the oven is born: from a simple tool for cooking and heating dishes, it becomes a tool to preserve and make food healthy and nutritious – commented Marco Balliano, Head of Built-In Business of the Candy Group -. Eurocucina 2018 is the ideal springboard for a product designed to revolutionize the way in which kitchens will be experienced in the future. A future that Hoover wants to write with its consumers”.