Giorgio Arienti, new president of the WEEE Coordination Center


Giorgio Arienti, general director of Ecodom, was appointed new president of the WEEE Coordination Center (Centro di Coordinamento RAEE) for the next biennium. Arienti succeeds Giancarlo Dezio, general director of Ecolight, who will continue to be member of the Executive Committee together with Danilo Bonato (Remedia), Francesco Chiesi (EsaGerAEE), Giuliano Maddalena (Ecoped), Giuseppe Miretti (Apiraee) and Luciano Teli (EcoR’it). “I thank the Executive Committee that assigned me the role of representing the WEEE Coordination Center in the next two years – said Giorgio Arienti -. Thanks to the collaboration with all actors of the system and the commitment of all its members, in ten years the WEEE Coordination Center has become a best practice at European level, being able to ensure an homogeneous service throughout the Italian territory within a competitive system, oriented towards the continuous search for efficiency. Together with the members of the Executive Committee and the team of the WEEE Coordination Center, we will try to continue along this path, in continuity with the excellent work done by my predecessors, with the hope that the WEEE System can obtain even more significant results, helping our country to reach the ambitious collection targets set by the European Community for 2019”.