Evoca: new online platform for the spare part sales


The Evoca Group, operating in the professional coffee machines production, has announced the lauch of a new unified portal for the sale of genuine spare parts and accessories of the brands Necta, Saeco, Gaggia Milano, Wittenborg, Ducale and SGL. The new e-commerce (ecommerce.evocagroup.com) offers, through a simple and intuitive interface, detailed technical documentation for the entire range, constantly updated and aligned with the product developments. Quickly and easily the user can have all the information related to the product such as: photo, description, availability, price and any additional notes. The site, optimized for mobile devices, has been designed with the “responsive” technique, to automatically recognize the device used by the user. In addition, through the Evoca ID access it’s possible to enter the reserved area: each customer, after logging in, can view prices, promotions and their order history. The company has decided to create this new site in order to provide a unified official store, offering customers the best possible shopping experience.