Electrolux: a book to celebrate 100 years of history


Electrolux, founded by Swedish entrepreneur Axel Wenner-Gren, is turning 100 this year. Kicking off the company’s official anniversary celebrations, Electrolux is releasing a new book about its journey from start-up to global reality. The book release is the start of celebrations that will include a number of events and new initiatives throughout 2019. “The Electrolux story is rich with groundbreaking innovations, as well as bold entrepreneurs with cutting-edge sales methods and great visions – the company explains -. It’s a history of fearless expansion and acquisitions, fast globalization and restructuring, as well as of consumer insight and world-class design. It’s brought to life in the book by former business journalist and historian Ronald Fagerfjäll who gathered information from the extensive Electrolux archive at the Swedish Center for Business History”. The book contains unique documents and around 300 images from the company’s entire history, many of which have never been published before. Electrolux will celebrate its anniversary day on August 29th, 2019.