Kyoto Glow, KitchenAid’s new Color of the Year


Kyoto Glow, 2020 Color of the Year, “dresses” KitchenAid‘s Artisan stand mixer and the K400 blender. The new color is inspired by Kyoto, a city that has traditionally been known for the idea of balance and tranquility. “Our stand mixer – said Jon Bellante, global marketing director for KitchenAid – is core to our makers and it’s core to our brand. And we of course wanted to reflect that desire for optimism, balance, and tranquility on our core product. As we were looking at what these makers were creating in their kitchens, we also realized that our brand new innovation with the KitchenAid K400 blender fit with this story perfectly. It was the idea of being able to bring that balance and wellness to life through blended ingredients that deliver better tastes for our consumers”.