LG supports the fight against Covid-19


LG contributes to the fight against Covid-19 through the LG Cares initiative, which will allow the donation of 200 SIM-equipped smartphones and 40 microwave ovens to various hospitals in Italy. Smartphones will allow communication and closeness, albeit virtual, between hospitalized patients and their families, while the microwave ovens will help medical and healthcare personnel in the few breaks during the grueling work shifts of this period. “LG is a brand that has always put people and their needs at the center of its choices: we want to do it even in this critical situation, placing ourselves alongside all those who in these difficult weeks have been directly or indirectly affected by the virus – said Sung Soo Kim, President and CEO of LG Electronics Italy -. We think that technology must and can be an essential partner not only in everyday life but also in moments of criticality, helping to make relationships between people easier”.