Grundig: digital campaign “Let’s Stay at Home”


During the emergency caused by the Coronavirus, Grundig presents “Let’s Stay at Home”, the new digital communication campaign that puts the value of staying at home at the center of the narrative. The company intends to encourage people to stay at home and to rediscover the true values related to the family and home environment. For Grundig, Home is where one learns and shares the most important values of the life. It is where the cardinal principles of respect, attention, kindness and generosity are born and take shape. With the message that overcoming the current crisis also begins at home, Grundig wants to make people aware of the importance of staying in their home environment, providing tools, suggestions and inspirations to rediscover the beauty of undertaking simple but significant home habits and thus contributing to the collective effort for a healthier and better future. The “Let’s Stay at Home” campaign, on air since March 25th 2020, is accessible internationally through Grundig’s social profiles.