Sanixair is an Italian start-up born in 2019 from a pool of entrepreneurs with twenty years of experience in the sectors of renewable energy, environmental technologies and energy efficiency. By combining their skills, they have created a h24 active sanitization system, which uses the photocatalytic technology, the same utilized by NASA for the sanitization of the environments related to the aerospace missions. The Sanixair system is customizable and guarantees a continuous 24/7 control of the air quality. The correct operation can be monitored remotely with an IoT system developed in collaboration with Microsoft, which allows the data to be collected and analyzed constantly, with a predictive approach to the sanitation. The result is an always operative and fully effective solution. Besides, it is available with a monthly fee comparable to a long-term rental. The Sanixair system adapts to many environments and has already been operating for some months at the Romana Residence in Milan.
The crisis generated by the Covid-19 has brought to everyone’s attention the importance of the air healthiness, not only outdoors but also indoors. Sanixair launched the “Riparti Italia” campaign: to allow a peaceful recovery of the activities in locations of social gathering after the interruption imposed by the Covid-19 emergency, Sanixair will reimburse the first 2 months of rent to the structures that in April and May will ask for the installation of the continuous sanitation system. Added to this are the measures of the “Cura Italia” decree (art. 64) for the costs of sanitizing environments and work tools.