Bosch supports Caritas Italiana


With the “Being close today, more than ever” initiative, Bosch supports Caritas Italiana to offer help to Italian families who, due to the Covid-19 emergency, are in trouble. Bosch has decided to join Caritas to support the Solidarity Emporiums of some Italian cities (Savona, Oristano, Avezzano, Frascati and Reggio Calabria) with initiatives to combat the food poverty through the purchase of primary goods (food, household products, hygiene products) and creating weekly “shopping carts” for families in need. “Being close to people needs – explains Sabrina Zago, Head of Marketing at BSH Home Appliances – has been one of the main objectives of Bosch’s mission since its foundation. With our support to the Caritas Italiana project against the food poverty, we want to translate the word ‘closeness’ in a concrete way and give help directly in the territory to those in difficulty for the economic crisis generated by the Coronavirus emergency. Together with Caritas for a gesture that is really important”. The Solidarity Emporiums of Caritas Italiana also offer training, inclusion and socialization activities. “The combination of primary goods and training provided by the Solidarity Emporiums is in perfect harmony with the values of the Bosch brand – added Sabrina Zago -. We are pleased to be able to contribute to the Caritas Italiana project by donating part of the proceeds from the Zero Waste communication campaign dedicated to Bosch XXL refrigerators with VitaFresh technology. It allows to reduce the food waste day after day in favor of the sustainability, a theme of primary importance for the brand, which has always been involved in the creation of technologies that safeguard the environmental resources”.