Haier in the “BrandZ” ranking


The Haier brand rose from 89th to 68th place in the “BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands 2020” ranking, with its brand value increasing from 16.3 billion U.S. dollars in 2019 to 18.7 billion U.S. dollars in 2020. As highlighted by the company, it is the only one that has been included in the “IoT Ecosystem” category. The ranking, compiled by WPP and the consulting company Kantar, incorporates consumer insights. Kantar has created the category of IoT ecosystem brand since 2019, and granted it to Haier showing its recognition on Haier’s place in the IoT sector. Considering the Covid-19 emergency, Haier’s COSMOPlat, a platform created to allow the realization of customized solutions on a large scale, has contributed to facilitate the resumption of work and production, and to accelerate the business transformation of SMEs collaborating with Haier. The infrastructure and the availability of solutions designed to have zero distance with the consumer are supported by Haier’s strategic approach, built around the “Rendanheyi” model, which aims to encourage each employee to maximize the personal contribution by creating the maximum value for customers and consumers, with the intention of placing the user and the user experience before the products and privileging the concept of ecosystem. The obtained recognition confirms the validity of Haier’s strategy in integrating the potential of the Internet of Things with the creation of an open infrastructure – in collaboration with the business partners and other industries – at the service of consumers.