MDA market in France: strong decrease in the first quarter

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According to GfK Temax, the technical consumer goods market in France has started to react to the actual Covid crisis. A few sectors, as printing devices and consumables and some IT or SDA personal care categories, have recorded high growth peaks but without compensating the general drop in sales which took place starting mid-March, when lockdown measures were implemented (-8,1% in the first quarter 2020 compared to the same period last year). The MDA market was in strong decrease in Q1 2020 (-11.6%), particularly impacted by built-in categories as well as washing categories. However, freezers showed a positive growth, with strong sales in March following the announcement of lockdown measure, and tumbledryers with heat pump were in slight increase. Sales of Small Domestic Appliances decreased by 5.4% in the first quarter compared to the same period of 2019. A majority of larger SDA categories suffered from Coronavirus health crisis, due to purchase delays and closure of shops. Nevertheless, personal diagnosis products (digital thermometers, tensiometers and personal scales) have reached positive results. The situation has also clearly benefitted to air treatment, as well as to small food preparation appliances and breakfast appliances.