Oldrati launches Ogreen, the eco-sustainable rubber


After a long process of studies, research and applications that began in the Eighties, the Oldrati Group introduces on the market Oldrati Ogreen, the eco-sustainable rubber: a technological innovation that allows the creation of quality technical rubber parts, using regenerated rubber. This determines important advantages: application of the circular economy to the rubber world, decrease in the consumption of virgin resources, waste reduction and reduction of the use of landfills. All aimed at reducing the environmental impact.
The Oldrati Group is characterized by a very integrated structure, this means controlling and managing all the processes and the phases necessary for the creation of a technical part in rubber, including the creation of “recipes” for the elastomers, the internal production of compounds, the manufacture of the molds, the various technologies for the production of technical parts and any post-processing, measurements and quality control. Managing all these processes and having the necessary know-how to innovate is the condition that allowed to fine-tune the production process of Oldrati Ogreen:
Phase 1: Collection of previous vulcanized rubber or by-product of the standard production that otherwise would have to be disposed of in landfills. In this way Oldrati cancels the creation of waste.
Phase 2: Rubber sorting and selection to ensure high quality production.
Phase 3: Rubber preliminary treatment: the first treatment phase.
Phase 4: Eco-mastering process, the phase in which the rubber is regenerated and brought to a pre-vulcanization stage.
Phase 5: Ogreen production or the creation of the new compound which includes regenerated rubber and which, based on the performance required by the technical part, may contain dozens of other ingredients.
Phase 6: Final product manufacturing, where classic production methods are applied (molding, extrusion, …) with production specifications adapted to Ogreen.
Step 7: Quality control and final product shipment.
“At Oldrati, we have always invested time, resources and knowledge to introduce innovative technologies and to innovate industrial processes – explains Manuel Oldrati, CEO of the Oldrati Group -. Oldrati Ogreen is the result of many years of research and important investments, we are proud to have been able to develop and manage this innovative process. Ogreen is not an idea or an attempt but an already tested material that we make available on the market and that will allow to make a concrete contribution to protecting the environment for the future generations. We are already working on the next phase of this important project. Now we are creating a consortium of international industrial realities and we are open to welcoming new interested actors, with the aim of creating the conditions to apply everything developed, making the circular economy of elastomers a reality, globally. This is a very ambitious goal, but less complex than what has already been done in recent years to realize Ogreen and which will be a further step for the total benefit of the environment and future generations”.