Electrolux suppliers commit to CDP program


Electrolux has secured commitment from its top 200 suppliers to disclose emissions and set targets through the CDP Supply Chain Program as the company works towards a target of zero net carbon emissions throughout the supply chain by 2050. Electrolux has been working closely with its suppliers to improve their own environmental footprint and now the top suppliers – which make up 80% of the company’s global purchasing spend on parts and materials – will start reporting this year to the CDP, a non-profit international organization that specializes in environmental reporting and ratings of which Electrolux is a member. This follows a commitment made by Electrolux at the 2019 UN Climate Action Summit in New York, at which the company joined a global movement to pledge net zero emissions throughout its value chain by 2050, to help limit the global temperature rise to 1.5°C. “We see our suppliers as an extension of our company and believe we need to have the same sustainability ambitions in our supply chain as we do in our own operations – explains Peter Truyens, SVP Group Purchasing -. Suppliers are clearly buying into this message and are really enthusiastic about joining this journey which is fantastic”.