Whirlpool achieved zero waste to landfill in 25 sites


Whirlpool published its 2020 Sustainability Report, highlighting the company’s commitment to its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives, and progress in meeting its sustainability and inclusion & diversity targets. The company also released its 2020 Annual Report, highlighting Whirlpool Corporation’s focus on the health and safety of its employees throughout the Covid-19 pandemic while delivering good results. “Sustainability is core to our culture and is of paramount importance to our vision, being the best kitchen and laundry appliance company in constant pursuit of improving life at home – said Marc Bitzer, Chairman and CEO of Whirlpool Corporation -. As we worked to manage the challenges of Covid-19 in 2020, our resiliency enabled us to take care of our employees, consumers and communities while still meeting and advancing our environmental and social commitments. We are proud of the role we play in protecting our people and our planet and continue to push ourselves to deliver on our ambitious goals”. A summary of achievements and progress outlined in the 2020 Sustainability Report includes: achieved zero waste to landfill in 25 of 35 sites, or 71% earning Gold or Platinum status in 2020; 20% reduction in the greenhouse gas emissions; achieved record low levels of energy and water intensity in the plants; formalized the commitment to the U.N. Global Compact (as a participant of this initiative, Whirlpool Corporation continues to expand its efforts to uphold sustainable and responsible business practices in day-to-day global operations); named to the 2020 Diversity Best Practices Inclusion Index; took action to protect employees and communities since the onset of the Covid-19 crisis; named to the 2020 DJSI North America Index for the 14th time in the last 15 years etc.