Assoclima: the sector trends in 2020


The data presented by Assoclima during “Mostra Convegno Expocomfort Live+Digital” show the trend of the components for air conditioning systems in 2020. Despite the difficulties caused by the pandemic, the sector contained the decline. National production totaled 712.3 million euros, -6.5% compared to the previous year. The Italian turnover reached 1506.9 million euros, with a 7.7% decrease year on year. Going into the details of some products, split and multisplit totaled a turnover of 869 million euros (-5%) and represent a share equal to 57.7% of the total Italian turnover. In particular, the monosplit models reached 459.1 million euros (-7% in value, -2% in terms of units). The multisplits, on the other hand, totaled 409.9 million euros (-4% in value and -3% in terms of units). Finally, with regard to the air conditioners without installation, these products achieved an Italian turnover of 39 million euros, up 22% in value and 25% in terms of units compared to 2019. This result is probably linked to the fact that people, when they did not know if it would be possible to go on vacation, wanted to equip themselves with an air conditioner for the summer that did not require the need for an installer.